Eat & Live Well

Eat & Live Well

How do I feel better with diet and lifestyle choices?

Food matters to our health and wellbeing. Eating a healthy diet helps both our physical and mental health beyond losing weight.

Here are some resources to help begin to make healthier choices for yourself.

NHS Better Health Better Health
There is also a free app you can download Lose weight
BBC Healthy Eating All our healthy recipes
The Doctor's Kitchen Recipes The Doctors Kitchen
Dr Andrew Morrice's Eat well resources
Penny Brohn recipes to support cancer Recipes
Bristol Drug's Project Get Support
Bristol ROADS drug and alcohol support Bristol ROADS
Filwood monthly market 1st Saturday of the month Filwood Community Market
Keep up to date with the latest research from Professor Tim Spector ZOE podcast Long Episodes
Bean Co Recipes
Try the 30+ diversity challenge: start to include 30+ different fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices every week Dietary Diversity 30 a week Rainbow Challenge

Doctors Surgery Bristol