How to Order Medications

How to Order Medications

Repeat Prescriptions

Repeat prescriptions are normally for patients who receive regular treatment.

Your doctor will decide who can have a repeat prescription. From time to time we will ask you to see our clinical pharmacist to review your medication. We do this to monitor your illness and medication.

You can ask for a repeat prescription:

Online with Patient Access

By telephone please request your prescription by telephoning the surgery on 0117 944 9750 between 10am - 1pm

When requesting over the telephone please give the exact drug name, along with your name and address and date of birth to ensure we are ordering correct medication for you.

Or you can drop a paper request into the box at the entrance of the health centre.


Your prescription will be available after 2 working days at your choice of pharmacy .

Some local chemists have a collection and delivery service.

Please allow 2 full working days for prescriptions to be processed and remember to take weekends and bank holidays into account