Booking an Appointment
Please phone 0117 9449 750 to book an appointment.
If you require an on the day appointment you will need to call at 8.30am only.
For all appointments booked, the doctors have requested that we ask for a brief outline of your problem; this is to ensure that you are directed to the most appropriate person or service.
If you require a Home Visit please phone before 10.00am
Improved Access
We are working together with other local practices to offer more appointments in the early mornings, evenings or at weekends. Please speak to a member of the practice team to find out more.
If you are more than 10 minutes late you will not be seen and will need to make another appointment.
You can help us by:
- Being on time for your appointment
- Letting us know if you need to cancel - we can offer your appointment to another patient
- Telling us in advance if you wish to be chaperoned during your examination
If you require medical assistance and the practice is closed please phone 111